Dr. David Bloodgood
David Bloodgood, Ph.D.
Certified Relationship Coach
Call (321) 436-7339


TOOLS for developing UNDERSTANDING and EMPATHY in your relationship

The following questions are designed to help you evaluate and discover the depth of the knowledge and appreciation you and your partner have for each other.

Step one. It is important that all the questions be answered for yourself….and then again in the way you anticipate your partner will answer the same questions. (Do not compare answers at this time.) .

Step two. Once you complete all the questions, compare your answers. Remember! The purpose of this exercise is to build understanding and create harmony between you. Under no circumstances should either of you dispute or contradict the other’s answer. Just listen. The best response could be “Can you tell me more about why you answered that way?”

These tools are meant to provide a fun entertaining, and informative platform for discussions about your relationship. SHOULD YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO WORK TOGETHER ON THIS PROJECT BRING YOUR ANSWERS TO THE FIRST COMBINED COACHING SESSION SO WE CAN DISCUSS THEM TOGETHER.

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